Woensdag 24 augustus stond de Edese afdeling van Rugbyclub Wageningen op het Lobbes Kinderfestival tijdens de Heideweek in Ede. Meer dan 750 kinderen konden daar kennis maken met de verschillende sportverenigingen van Ede, en nu dus ook met rugby! Woensdag 31 augustus wordt de eerste training na de zomerstop weer gegeven in Ede op de Hoekelumse Eng. Met nog speciale dank aan de jeugd van Wageningen die hielp met de oefeningen.
On Wednesday 24 August, the Ede department of Rugbyclub Wageningen attended the Lobbes Children’s Festival during the Heideweek in Ede. More than 750 children were able to get acquainted with the various sports associations in Ede, and now also with rugby! On Wednesday 31 August, the first training after the summer break will be held in Ede on the Hoekelumse Eng. With special thanks to the youth of Wageningen who helped with the exercises.